Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Namibia National Chess Championships 2012 - Standings and Pairings after round 6.

Board 1 was a hot potato when Leonard Mueller converted a drawn game into a squeezing victory against Max Nitzborn. Charles Eichab did the same on board 2 against McLean Handjaba. So far Candidate Master Charles Eichab is leading the field. Some already predicted that he will take it this year.
Handjaba is really the rising star this year as he wants so desperatly to make the Olympic team. However, its possible if only he can get pass Otto Nakapunda tonight. 

Some picture impressions during round 6.

The young crowd patiently concentrating

Max vs Leo
McLean vs Charles

Namibia National Chess Champs 2012 - 
Round 7
No Name                Result   Name                 

 1 Gariseb Immanuel       :     Leonhard Mueller     
 2 Charles Eichab         :     Simon Shidolo        
 3 Mclean Handjaba        :     Otto Nakapunda       
 4 Max Nitzborn           :     Kautungawavali Neshila
 5 Junias Hango           :     Rex Oberholzer       
 6 Goodwil Khoa           :     Thomas Ehrich        
 7 Edmund Gariseb         :     Leonard Nghifikwa    
 8 Hange Tjingaete        :     Julian Isaak         
 9 Nicola Tjaronda        :     William Kamberipa    
10 Thomas Kapofi          :     Jeremy-Dean Van Rooyen
11 Christo Retief         :     Eu-Word Brendell     
12 Lischen Mentile        :     Calvin Eixab          
13 Joseph Koroma          :     Beverly Tjatindi     
14 Tibor Trepper          :     Richman Tjiriange    
15 El-Shaddai Aluteni     :     Robson Tlhabanello   
16 Mubasen Hochobeb       :     Mutago Hochobeb      
17 Vetueza Tjaronda       :     Elvira Tibinyane     
18 Rauha Shipindo         :     Camy Nitzborn        
19 Dante Beukes           :     Silvanus Shidolo     
20 Joshua Amaambo         :     Abigail Julius       
21 Wilbard David          :     Dyllan Bedja         
22 Vitura Shaanika        :     Jolly Nepando        
23 Iileni Kandume         :     Taleni Shaanika      
24 Shevanne Bedja         :     Uasuta Handura  
Place Name                    Feder Rtg Score Progr. M-Buch. Buch.

 1-2  Eichab, Charles                   16      75.0    70.0  96.0
      Mueller, Leonhard                 16      75.0    56.0  78.0
 3-5  Shidolo, Simon                    15      72.0    60.0  85.0
      Nakapunda, Otto                   15      69.0    50.0  72.0
      Immanuel, Gariseb                 15      66.0    53.0  72.0
 6-8  Nitzborn, Max                     13      65.0    62.0  82.0
      Handjaba, Mclean                  13      65.0    61.0  86.0
      Neshila, Kautungawavali           13      63.0    53.0  76.0
9-16  Isaak, Julian                     12      60.0    57.0  75.0
      Khoa, Goodwil                     12      60.0    52.0  77.0
      Gariseb, Edmund                   12      54.0    52.0  71.0
      Tjingaete, Hange                  12      54.0    49.5  72.0
      Hango, Junias                     12      51.0    52.0  74.0
      Nghifikwa, Leonard                12      51.0    49.0  70.0
      Ehrich, Thomas                    12      51.0    47.5  66.5
      Oberholzer, Rex                   12      51.0    46.0  65.0
17-19 Kamberipa, William                10      54.0    62.0  86.0
      Tjaronda, Nicola                  10      44.0    45.0  66.0
      Van Rooyen, Jeremy-Dean           10      38.0    43.0  65.0
20-31 Aluteni, El-Shaddai               9       48.0    54.0  72.0
      Tjiriange, Richman                9       48.0    46.0  64.0
      Retief, Christo                   9       45.0    52.0  72.0
      Kapofi, Thomas                    9       45.0    47.0  65.0
      Koroma, Joseph                    9       45.0    46.0  64.0
      Eixab, Calvin                     9       42.0    48.0  61.0
      Tlhabanello, Robson               9       42.0    43.5  59.5
      Tjatindi, Beverly                 9       39.0    47.0  65.0
      Mentile, Lischen                  9       39.0    45.0  64.0
      Brendell, Eu-Word                 9       39.0    36.0  51.0
      Trepper, Tibor                    9       36.0    51.0  72.0
      Hochobeb, Mubasen                 9       30.0    35.0  47.0
32-34 Tibinyane, Elvira                 7       34.0    40.0  56.0
      Tjaronda, Vetueza                 7       32.0    44.0  63.0
      Hochobeb, Mutago                  7       29.0    40.0  50.0
35-43 Shipindo, Rauha                   6       39.0    43.0  65.0
      Shidolo, Silvanus                 6       36.0    48.0  69.0
      Amaambo, Joshua                   6       27.0    42.0  61.0
      David, Wilbard                    6       27.0    39.0  52.0
      Bedja, Dyllan                     6       24.0    35.0  50.0
      Beukes, Dante                     6       24.0    30.0  42.0
      Nitzborn, Camy                    6       18.0    30.0  42.0
      Julius, Abigail                   6       15.0    34.0  44.0
      Nepando, Jolly                    6       15.0    31.5  42.0
 44   Kandume, Iileni                   4       22.0    38.5  51.5
45-47 Bedja, Shevanne                   3       18.0    36.0  51.0
      Handura, Uasuta                   3       18.0    31.0  46.0
      Shaanika, Vitura                  3       12.0    30.0  39.0
48-58 Shaanika, Taleni                  0        0.0    26.0  38.0
      Pretorius, Ethan                  0        0.0    22.5  22.5
      Kuhanga, Fremantle                0        0.0    21.0  21.0
      Nangolo, Petrus                   0        0.0    16.0  16.0
      Cloete, G                         0        0.0    13.0  13.0
      Clinton, Dietlik                  0        0.0    13.0  13.0
      Cloete, Joshua                    0        0.0    12.0  12.0
      Swartz, Gevin                     0        0.0     9.0   9.0
      Dietlik, Jason                    0        0.0     9.0   9.0
      Hindjou, Treasure                 0        0.0     8.0   8.0
      Paulus, Uirab                     0        0.0     7.0   7.0
by Swiss Perfect (TM)

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