Monday, 9 July 2012

Namibia National Junior Chess Championships 2012

The Namibia Chess Federation is proud to announce that it will host the Namibia National Junior Chess Championships 2012 on 14 July 2012 at the Dawid Bezuidenhout High School, Khomasdal, Paul Van Harte Street. 

The total prize fund for this event is N$8,250.00

Chess is one of the most powerful educational tools available to strengthen a child’s mind. It’s fairly easy to learn how to play. Most six or seven year olds can follow the basic rules. Some kids as young as four or five can play. Like learning a language or music an early start can help a child become more proficient.

The Hochobeb Brothers
For 4 years chess academies and schools alike taught chess to their learners. Some schools went as far as acquiring local chess masters to teach this fascinating game to their learners. Now it’s time for these young minds to go for the ultimate test. The event this weekend will be an open event which serves as a qualifier for something bigger. The Namibia Chess Federation is planning to send a team to Slovenia, Maribor in November to showcase their talent.

Another change in the event this year, is that in both the open event and close event the kiddies will play in their age groups so we will be able to announce age group champions. However, participants may register and participate in a higher age group.

Whatever a child’s age, chess can enhance concentration, patience, and perseverance, as well as develop creativity, intuition, memory, and most importantly, the ability to analyze and deduce from a set of general principles, learning to make tough decisions and solve problems flexibly.

We therefore invite every child in Namibia to participate in this prestigious junior chess championship and would like to encourage those who don’t know how to play chess to give it a try. Its lots of fun and a great sport. Registration close on Friday, 16h00. Individual chess players can also register via sms to 0816152895 or complete the online registration form at or sent an e-mail to

Registration fees are as follows:

U/8 &U/10 = N$40.00
U/12, U/14 & U/16 =N$50.00
U/18 & U/20 = N$80.00

Registration form for school chess club players.
Tournament regulations.

Monday, 25 June 2012

National Chess League planned

The Namibia Chess Federation (NCF) is planning a national chess league to kick off on Monday the 20 July 2012. There will be one round of action every subsequent Friday from 18h00-21h00 at Unam Khomasdal Campus..

Total prize fund of N$5,000.00 sponsored by NAMPOSRTS.

Teams are therefore encouraged to download a club constitution template from the NCF blogsite here and form clubs. Every team must have at least four players and may add two reserves for a total of six participants. 
In order for a club to participate in the league, affiliation to the NCF is a pre-requisite. The club membership forms can be downloaded from the membership page. Then each member will be charged N$ 50 to participate in the league. Clubs have until Friday 29 June to submit their players list.
This is a pilot project and will be confined to the Khomas Region. Our future plans involve the participation of all chess clubs from all 13 regions of Namibia.

For more details contact Mr. Otto Zandell Nakapunda at 0812116463.

Friday, 4 May 2012

Charles Eichab crowned Chess King of Namibia – Wins Namibia National Chess Championship 2012

Charles Eichab the National Chess Champion 2012 in the center
Candidate Master Charles Eichab won the National Chess Championship 2012. The 9 round National Chess Championship came to a close today, 4 May 2012 and Charles Eichab took the honors with an almost perfect score of 8.5/9 He only conceded 1 draw against Fide Master Leonhard Mueller who came 2nd also with 8.5/9.  What made this victory special for Eichab is the fact that he won the event ahead of the strongest opposition Namibia could offer. This is also his 4th time as National Champion. Eichab has distinguished himself as the best chess player in Namibia as he has won many a tournament in the past. His objective now is to get the Fide Master title at the 40th Chess Olympiad. 

Women's Olympiad Team: Nicola, Jolly,El-Shaddai, Lishen and Rauha
Leonhard Mueller made a few remarks during the closing ceremony and was of the opinion that the level of chess in Namibia has improved dramatically. He said that 8.5 were not enough anymore to win. The youngsters have improved a lot and now offer a real challenge at the chess board. In third place we had Candidate Master Otto Nakapunda with 7/9. Nakapunda lost against Leonhard and Charles but defeated Max Nitzborn in the final round to take the bronze with 7/9 and make the Olympic team.

The ladies did not disappoint either and had to find their way through a maze of strong players young and old. The 14 year old Nicola Tjaronda stood head and shoulders above her rivals with 5/9 points. She became Namibia’s youngest ever Women’s Champion for 2012. She was followed by Jolly Nepando in second place also with 5/9 and El-Shaddai Aluteni in third place with 4/9. 

Men's Olympiad Team: Edmund, Leonhard, Charles, Otto and McLean
The juniors played extraordinary chess and the winner of this section was none other then Immanuel Gariseb with 6/9 followed by Hange Tjingaete also with 6/9 in 2nd place. In third we had William Kamberipa with 5.5/9. 

It was excellent chess and you had to be prepared to make the Olympiad teams: The Men's team are: Charles Eichab, Leonhard Mueller, Otto Nakapunda, McLean Handjaba and Edmund Gariseb. The Women's team are: Nicola Tjaronda, Jolly Nepando, El-Shaddai Aluteni, Lishen Mentile and Rauha Shipindo. The 2 teams will represent Namibia at the 40th Chess Olympiad in Istanbul, Turkey this coming August and September 2012.

Prizes were as follows:

1st Prize – Charles Eichab = N$ 2,200.00
2nd Prize – Leonhard Mueller = N$ 1,500.00
3rd Prize – Otto Nakapunda = N$ 1,000.00

1st Prize – Nicola Tjaronda = N$  600.00
2nd Prize – Jolly Nepando = N$ 400.00
3rd Prize – El-Shaddai Aluteni = N$ 300.00

1st Prize – Immanuel Gariseb = N$ 500.00
2nd Prize – Hange Tjingaete = N$ 300.00
3rd Prize – William Kamberipa = N$ 200.00

Worth mentioning is the prize money offering by Fide Master Leonhard Mueller to celebrate the success of the Olympiad teams. The Namibia Chess Federation would like to thank Dr. Leonhard Mueller for his kind gesture and congratulate all the winners of the 3 categories as well as the Olympiad teams. Work hard and you will make Namibia proud at the upcoming chess Olympiad.

Nicola Tjaronda in the middle - Women's Champion of Namibia 2012

Final results and Standings:

Namibia National Chess Championship 2012 - 
Round 9

Results after Round 9

No Name                    Result   Name                  

 1 Simon Shidolo           0.0:3.0  Leonhard Mueller      
 2 Charles Eichab          3.0:0.0  Rex Oberholzer        
 3 Otto Nakapunda          3.0:0.0  Max Nitzborn          
 4 Goodwil Khoa            1.0:1.0  Kautungawavali Neshila
 5 Mclean Handjaba         3.0:0.0  Julian Isaak          
 6 Edmund Gariseb          3.0:0.0  Christo Retief        
 7 Gariseb Immanuel        3.0:0.0  Leonard Nghifikwa     
 8 Junias Hango            0.0:3.0  Hange Tjingaete       
 9 Lischen Mentile         0.0:3.0  William Kamberipa     
10 Nicola Tjaronda         1.0:1.0  Richman Tjiriange     
11 Rauha Shipindo          0.0:3.0  Jolly Nepando         
12 Thomas Kapofi           3.0:0.0  Beverly Tjatindi      
13 Calvin Eixab            0.0:3.0  Thomas Ehrich         
14 Joshua Amaambo          0.0:3.0  Joseph Koroma         
15 Mubasen Hochobeb        3.0:0.0  El-Shaddai Aluteni    
16 Iileni Kandume          1.0:1.0  Vetueza Tjaronda      
17 Jeremy-Dean Van Rooyen  3.0:0.0  Mutago Hochobeb       
18 Wilbard David           0.0:3.0  Silvanus Shidolo      
19 Camy Nitzborn           0.0:3.0  Eu-Word Brendell      
20 Tibor Trepper           3.0:0.0  Dante Beukes          
21 Shevanne Bedja          3.0:0.0  Robson Tlhabanello    
22 Elvira Tibinyane        3.0:0.0  Uasuta Handura        
23 Taleni Shaanika         0.0:3.0  Dyllan Bedja          
24 Vitura Shaanika         0.0:3.0  Abigail Julius        

Standings after Round 9

Place Name                    Feder Rtg Score Progr. M-Buch. Buch.

 1-2  Eichab, Charles                   25     125.0   124.0 162.0
      Mueller, Leonhard                 25     125.0   117.0 153.0
  3   Nakapunda, Otto                   21     111.0   117.0 154.0
 4-5  Handjaba, Mclean                  19     100.0   116.0 153.0
      Gariseb, Edmund                   19      92.0   100.0 128.0
 6-8  Shidolo, Simon                    18     108.0   125.0 162.0
      Immanuel, Gariseb                 18      99.0   114.0 151.0
      Tjingaete, Hange                  18      87.0    96.5 125.0
9-11  Neshila, Kautungawavali           17      99.0   114.0 150.0
      Khoa, Goodwil                     17      96.0   110.0 147.0
      Kamberipa, William                17      86.0   106.0 136.0
12-14 Nitzborn, Max                     16      97.0   118.0 154.0
      Isaak, Julian                     16      95.0   108.0 132.0
      Oberholzer, Rex                   16      86.0   103.0 140.0
15-23 Nghifikwa, Leonard                15      81.0   108.0 139.0
      Hango, Junias                     15      81.0   102.0 130.0
      Retief, Christo                   15      78.0   102.0 138.0
      Ehrich, Thomas                    15      78.0    95.0 130.5
      Koroma, Joseph                    15      75.0    93.0 121.0
      Kapofi, Thomas                    15      75.0    91.0 118.0
      Tjaronda, Nicola                  15      74.0    85.0 112.0
      Hochobeb, Mubasen                 15      57.0    84.0 102.0
      Nepando, Jolly                    15      45.0    66.0  84.0
24-25 Tjiriange, Richman                13      76.0    99.0 127.0
      Van Rooyen, Jeremy-Dean           13      61.0    93.0 127.0
26-35 Aluteni, El-Shaddai               12      75.0   100.0 124.0
      Mentile, Lischen                  12      66.0    96.0 123.0
      Eixab, Calvin                     12      66.0    94.0 116.0
      Shipindo, Rauha                   12      66.0    84.0 118.0
      Tjatindi, Beverly                 12      63.0    98.0 124.0
      Brendell, Eu-Word                 12      60.0    90.0 112.0
      Shidolo, Silvanus                 12      60.0    88.0 118.0
      Trepper, Tibor                    12      57.0    94.0 121.0
      Amaambo, Joshua                   12      54.0    90.0 120.0
      Bedja, Shevanne                   12      42.0    66.0  87.0
36-37 Tjaronda, Vetueza                 11      56.0    85.0 113.0
      Kandume, Iileni                   11      46.0    76.5  95.5
38-39 Hochobeb, Mutago                  10      52.0    87.0 105.0
      Tibinyane, Elvira                 10      51.0    80.0  98.0
40-45 Tlhabanello, Robson               9       60.0    89.0 116.5
      David, Wilbard                    9       48.0    80.0  98.0
      Beukes, Dante                     9       42.0    79.0  94.0
      Bedja, Dyllan                     9       39.0    69.0  91.0
      Nitzborn, Camy                    9       36.0    81.0  99.0
      Julius, Abigail                   9       30.0    68.0  86.0
46-48 Handura, Uasuta                   3       24.0    72.0  91.0
      Shaanika, Vitura                  3       18.0    66.0  84.0
      Shaanika, Taleni                  3        6.0    66.0  84.0
49-58 Pretorius, Ethan                  0        0.0    29.5  29.5
      Kuhanga, Fremantle                0        0.0    27.0  27.0
      Nangolo, Petrus                   0        0.0    26.0  26.0
      Cloete, G                         0        0.0    19.0  19.0
      Clinton, Dietlik                  0        0.0    17.0  17.0
      Cloete, Joshua                    0        0.0    16.0  16.0
      Swartz, Gevin                     0        0.0    12.0  12.0
      Dietlik, Jason                    0        0.0    12.0  12.0
      Hindjou, Treasure                 0        0.0    11.0  11.0
      Paulus, Uirab                     0        0.0    10.0  10.0

 We now count on our Namibian Government to assist us to get to the chess Olympiad this year.

Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Namibia National Chess Championship 2012 Round 7 Standings and Round 8 Pairings

CM Charles Eichab is leading the field now for 3 rounds. The event is getting to a closed and one can start to see the contours of the team as well. some players already qualified with 2 rounds to spare while others will still have to fight for that right. The girls and the juniors are also not disappointing. Immanuel Gariseb and Julian Isaak is leading the juniors, While El-Shaddai and Lishen Mentile lead the Women's section.

Some picture impressions during round 7.

Hochobeb Brothers at War!
She Charmed him and was victorious!
Goliath and David

Namibia National Chess Champs 2012 - 
Round 8
No Name                    Result   Name                 

 1 Leonhard Mueller           :     Otto Nakapunda       
 2 Kautungawavali Neshila     :     Charles Eichab       
 3 Rex Oberholzer             :     Edmund Gariseb       
 4 Simon Shidolo              :     Gariseb Immanuel     
 5 Julian Isaak               :     Goodwil Khoa         
 6 Thomas Ehrich              :     Max Nitzborn         
 7 Joseph Koroma              :     Mclean Handjaba      
 8 Leonard Nghifikwa          :     Thomas Kapofi        
 9 El-Shaddai Aluteni         :     Christo Retief       
10 Hange Tjingaete            :     Lischen Mentile      
11 Richman Tjiriange          :     Junias Hango         
12 William Kamberipa          :     Jeremy-Dean Van Rooyen
13 Vetueza Tjaronda           :     Nicola Tjaronda      
14 Mutago Hochobeb            :     Rauha Shipindo       
15 Silvanus Shidolo           :     Joshua Amaambo       
16 Eu-Word Brendell           :     Mubasen Hochobeb     
17 Robson Tlhabanello         :     Calvin Eixab         
18 Jolly Nepando              :     Tibor Trepper        
19 Beverly Tjatindi           :     Wilbard David        
20 Dyllan Bedja               :     Iileni Kandume       
21 Dante Beukes               :     Elvira Tibinyane     
22 Abigail Julius             :     Shevanne Bedja       
23 Camy Nitzborn              :     Vitura Shaanika      
24 Uasuta Handura             :     Taleni Shaanika      
Place Name                    Feder Rtg Score Progr. M-Buch. Buch.

 1-2  Eichab, Charles                   19      97.0    89.0 118.0
      Mueller, Leonhard                 19      97.0    83.0 111.0
  3   Nakapunda, Otto                   18      90.0    79.0 107.0
  4   Neshila, Kautungawavali           16      82.0    76.5 105.0
5-10  Shidolo, Simon                    15      87.0    82.0 110.0
      Immanuel, Gariseb                 15      81.0    78.0 103.0
      Khoa, Goodwil                     15      78.0    76.0 104.0
      Isaak, Julian                     15      78.0    72.0  93.0
      Gariseb, Edmund                   15      72.0    70.0  92.0
      Oberholzer, Rex                   15      69.0    67.5  91.5
11-12 Handjaba, Mclean                  13      78.0    83.5 111.5
      Nitzborn, Max                     13      78.0    83.0 109.0
13-22 Tjingaete, Hange                  12      66.0    72.0  96.0
      Aluteni, El-Shaddai               12      63.0    73.5  94.5
      Hango, Junias                     12      63.0    73.0  95.0
      Nghifikwa, Leonard                12      63.0    71.0  95.0
      Ehrich, Thomas                    12      63.0    68.0  93.0
      Tjiriange, Richman                12      63.0    66.0  88.0
      Retief, Christo                   12      60.0    67.0  93.0
      Koroma, Joseph                    12      60.0    65.0  86.0
      Kapofi, Thomas                    12      60.0    64.0  86.0
      Mentile, Lischen                  12      54.0    61.5  80.5
23-24 Kamberipa, William                11      66.0    79.0 106.0
      Tjaronda, Nicola                  11      56.0    59.0  80.0
25-27 Van Rooyen, Jeremy-Dean           10      48.0    64.0  89.0
      Tjaronda, Vetueza                 10      45.0    58.0  80.0
      Hochobeb, Mutago                  10      42.0    54.0  66.0
28-38 Eixab, Calvin                     9       51.0    64.0  79.0
      Tlhabanello, Robson               9       51.0    62.0  84.0
      Shipindo, Rauha                   9       51.0    56.0  81.0
      Tjatindi, Beverly                 9       48.0    69.0  93.0
      Shidolo, Silvanus                 9       48.0    60.0  84.0
      Brendell, Eu-Word                 9       48.0    57.0  75.0
      Trepper, Tibor                    9       45.0    66.0  87.0
      Amaambo, Joshua                   9       39.0    61.0  85.0
      Hochobeb, Mubasen                 9       39.0    56.0  71.0
      David, Wilbard                    9       39.0    52.0  67.0
      Nepando, Jolly                    9       27.0    42.0  54.0
39-40 Tibinyane, Elvira                 7       41.0    57.5  75.5
      Kandume, Iileni                   7       32.0    52.0  65.0
41-45 Bedja, Dyllan                     6       30.0    49.0  67.0
      Beukes, Dante                     6       30.0    49.0  64.0
      Bedja, Shevanne                   6       27.0    42.0  57.0
      Nitzborn, Camy                    6       24.0    48.0  60.0
      Julius, Abigail                   6       21.0    47.0  59.0
46-47 Handura, Uasuta                   3       21.0    49.0  64.0
      Shaanika, Vitura                  3       15.0    39.0  48.0
48-58 Shaanika, Taleni                  0        0.0    40.0  53.0
      Pretorius, Ethan                  0        0.0    27.0  27.0
      Kuhanga, Fremantle                0        0.0    21.0  21.0
      Nangolo, Petrus                   0        0.0    19.0  19.0
      Clinton, Dietlik                  0        0.0    16.0  16.0
      Cloete, Joshua                    0        0.0    15.0  15.0
      Cloete, G                         0        0.0    13.0  13.0
      Swartz, Gevin                     0        0.0    12.0  12.0
      Dietlik, Jason                    0        0.0    12.0  12.0
      Hindjou, Treasure                 0        0.0     9.5   9.5
      Paulus, Uirab                     0        0.0     7.0   7.0
by Swiss Perfect (TM)