Tuesday, 23 September 2014

Junior players represent Namibia at World Youth Chess Championships (WYCC) in Durban

Namibia’s team comprises of 17 junior players all slated in the 6 separate age groups which are further divided into boys and girls sections . The junior team is as follows;

U8 ; Mika Oberholzer, Galeshewe Jane, Lure Horn,
U10; Ditshaba Jane, Joshua Oberholzer, Kisha van Wyk,
U12; Dante Beukes, Kevin Gurirab, Aldo Horn,
U14; Hiren Naidoo, Anthony Van Der Meer, Elvira Tibinyane
U16; Tibor Trepper, David Wilbard, Lida-Marie Calitz
U18; Montgomery Gurirab, Mamiki Hangero,

These top chess junior players all come from different towns of Namibia and qualified to represent the country during a closed tournament in held in Windhoek in July.

The juniors together with FIDE trainer Goodwill Khoa, Namibia Chess Federation (NCF) Vice-President Melitta Kgobetsi-Mathe and a number of parents left for Durban last week Wednesday (17th September).

Amidst a well-attended tournament of over 950 players from 88 different countries from all 6 continents the junior team has a mammoth of a task to bring home any silverware. However as accompanying Namibia Chess Federation (NCF) Vice-President Melitta Kgobetsi-Mathe stated via telephone, “…the children are gaining immense exposure and experience from this tournament alone so any medal will be a mere bonus.”

A mother of one of the junior chess players herself, Melitta pointed out that this is the only way Namibian future chess players can grow into players of the same caliber as their Indian and Russian opponents. She explained that, “Namibia has for long remained below average in the sporting arena and it is about time that our kids grow into a culture of competing at an international standard where they will be able to play and win against countries with rich sporting traditions.”

After the first five thrilling rounds team Namibia has amassed a total of 9 wins and 3 draws with six more rounds to go. The tournament is swiss-paired and is has 11 rounds in total.

The team returns from Durban on the 30th of September.

*The results of all the games are available online at http://www.chess-results.com/tnr144252.aspx?lan=1&art=0&turdet=YES&flag=30&wi=984 all the games are shown live on http://www.2014wycc.co.za

Friday, 12 September 2014

NCF ID numbers:

As promised here is a list of registered NCF members and their allocated NCF I.D numbers. The NCF ID number will be used to identify members at NCF tournaments and events.

To receive an NCF ID number simply register and become paid-up NCF member. All NCF members receive a complimentary membership card with a unique ID number for life.

If you're an NCF member and your name doesn't appear on the list below it means that you have not fully registered as a member and need to complete a membership form and make the appropriate registration fee.

NCF I.D No: Name: Surname:

P0001 Emmanuel Sihlahla
P0002 Borro Ndungula
P0003 Charles Eichab
P0004 Otto Zandell Nakapunda
P0005 Melitta Mathe-Kgobetsi
P0006 Fremantle Kuhanga
P0007 Brian Jaftha
P0008 Edmund Gariseb
P0009 Max Nitzborn
P0010 Beverly Tjatindi
P0011 McLean Macsko Handjaba
P0012 Thomas Ehrich
P0013 Rauha Shipindo
P0014 Dyllan Bedja
P0015 Nicola Tjaronda
P0016 Richman Tjiriange
P0017 Lishen Mentile
P0018 Bruce Tawanda Nyazika
P0019 Moffat Nghishekwa Shitilifa
P0020 Richard Nyatoti
P0021 Joseph Nitzborn
P0022 Leonard Nghifikwa
P0023 Tonata Uuwanga
P0024 Joao Baptista
P0025 Immanuel Gariseb
P0026 Silvanus Beukes
P0027 Florian Beukes
P0028 Jolly-Joice Nepando
P0029 Mubasen /Hochobeb
P0030 Mutago /Hochobeb
P0031 Matjua Kajovi
P0032 Tibor Trepper
P0033 Simon Shidolo
P0034 Johannes Nyandi
P0035 William Kamberipa
P0036 Colin Nyandoro
P0037 Bernard Swarts
P0038 Claudio Adolfo
P0039 Jossy Uapingene
P0040 Dante Beukes
P0041 Lutopu Lubinda
P0042 Montgomery Gurirab
P0043 Stefanus Kandorozu
P0044 Kamutuua Tjatindi
P0045 Joerg Botha Walter
P0046 Milton Bryan Augumeb
P0047 Goodwill T. Khoa
P0048 Sanders Oberholzer