Bank Windhoek is the proud sponsor of the event and has set aside N$25,000.00 for this serious encounter of the Young Minds. The Namibia Chess Federation are forever, greatful to Bank Windhoek as this is the 4th year the the Bank sponsors junior chess. Together we do better...
In the picture we have Julian Isaac the current Junior Champion of Namibia. Julian is ready to defend his title this year.
Chess is one of the most powerful educational tools available to strengthen a child’s mind. It’s fairly easy to learn how to play. Most six or seven year olds can follow the basic rules. Some kids as young as four or five can play. Like learning a language or music an early start can help a child become more proficient.
Whatever a child’s age, chess can enhance concentration, patience, and perseverance, as well as develop creativity, intuition, memory, and most importantly, the ability to analyze and deduce from a set of general principles, learning to make tough decisions and solve problems flexibly.
We therefore invite every child in Namibia to participate in this prestigious junior chess championship and would like to encourage those who don’t know how to play chess to give it a try. It's lots of fun and a great sport.
Registration fees are as follows:
U/8 &U/10 = N$30.00
U/12, U/14 & U/16 =N$40.00
U/18 & U/20 = N$60.00
Chess is one of the most powerful educational tools available to strengthen a child’s mind. It’s fairly easy to learn how to play. Most six or seven year olds can follow the basic rules. Some kids as young as four or five can play. Like learning a language or music an early start can help a child become more proficient.
Whatever a child’s age, chess can enhance concentration, patience, and perseverance, as well as develop creativity, intuition, memory, and most importantly, the ability to analyze and deduce from a set of general principles, learning to make tough decisions and solve problems flexibly.
We therefore invite every child in Namibia to participate in this prestigious junior chess championship and would like to encourage those who don’t know how to play chess to give it a try. It's lots of fun and a great sport.
Registration fees are as follows:
U/8 &U/10 = N$30.00
U/12, U/14 & U/16 =N$40.00
U/18 & U/20 = N$60.00
Registration closes Friday, 8 July 2011 at 16h00, and any registration after this date and time will be considered as late registration and such players will only be paired from round 2 with zero points.
To register an individual click here and to register a number of individuals click here. The tournament regulations can be found here.